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What Wood Oils are out there?

There are so many different oils for wood – what’s really in the bottle or tin? Let’s try to shed a bit of light on this. Teak oil is a product that is designed to penetrate the wood and provide protection against moisture. Historically it was made from a blend of linseed oil, tung oil, […]

“Four Legit Uses For ProNature’s Wax Balm” by Dylan from PlyCreations

I used to make my on paste wax finish. I no longer need to. I’ll let you into a secret. I’ve used ProNature’s finishes for a while now and since being introduced to their Wax Balm I no longer need to fire up the double boiler nor do I need to pay a premium for […]

Why Breathable Paint?

There are many strange terms when talking about paint – one of them is “Breathable”. So let’s explain: All over South Africa you can see paints peeling and flaking on buildings, even already after a couple of month. Many of the paint suppliers will suggest that the product should last 10, 15 & 20 years. […]

Can natural paint compete with conventional wall paint?

There are many questions surrounding the use of natural vs. conventional wall paint. And the price point usually wins when it comes to conventional. But why would your choice be natural paints – especially for your interiors? We unpack below. Natural paints are good for the planet and good for you! Natural paints are made […]

ProNature The Green Chemist Blog - COBALT – The Hidden Danger Feb 9, 2022

Cobalt – the hidden Danger 

Time to address a heavy (metal) issue – Cobalt! While the industry debates and limits their use of Lead in paint (Lead is something ProNature has never used), we thought we would turn our attention to Cobalt. We can’t wait for further confirmation of the potential dangers, or legislative intervention for that matter, to be […]

Varnish, Paint, Stain, Sealer or ProNature’s Wood Treatment

Have you ever googled “Best wood finish”? There are a confusing number of options available. Varnish, Paint, Stain, Seal, Oil.  And often enough the meaning of these words gets mixed up.  So, let’s shed some light on the situation: Wood Paint There are many water-based and oil-based products, i.e., enamel paints. Paint creates a layer […]

ProNature The Green Chemist Blog - Odourless Paint_ Jan 25, 2020

Odourless Paint?

We take a look into the true meaning of “odourless” paints. Virtually odourless – Don’t be fooled. The deceiving absence of smell may, in reality, be more dangerous and not a blessing in disguise. One of our major senses not activated? Wasn’t smell meant to be a warning signal? Many synthesised chemicals are known or […]

The other paints

The Other Paints – There Is More To It Than Just “Lead-Free”

The industrial chemically manufactured paints and coatings undoubtedly have seen enormous technical developments during the last century. The question that is asked more and more often is: Why are paints manufactured in ever-increasing volumes which renounce the use of modern ingredients from synthetic chemistry and why are they sold successfully? The industrial chemically manufactured paints […]

What Are VOCs? Are VOCs Toxic?

The current hype to ban or at least reduce VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOCs) has befallen the paint industry and the paint consumer alike and the latter is probably in need of explanation what VOCs are all about. VOCs vs. Natural VOCs – by Bernhard Lembeck The current hype to ban or at least reduce VOLATILE […]

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